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Learn to pronounce shake

  1. (of a structure or area of land) tremble or vibrate.
    "buildings shook in Sacramento and tremors were felt in Reno"
    synonyms: vibrate, tremble, quiver, quake, shiver, shudder, judder, jiggle, wobble, rock, sway, swing, roll, oscillate, convulse
  2. move (an object) up and down or from side to side with rapid, forceful, jerky movements.
    "she stood in the hall and shook her umbrella"
    synonyms: jiggle, joggle, wave from side to side, agitate, waggle
  3. upset the composure or confidence of; shock or astonish.
    "rumors of a further loss shook the market"
    synonyms: upset, distress, disturb, unsettle, perturb, disconcert, discompose, disquiet, unnerve, trouble, take aback, throw off balance, agitate, fluster, shock, alarm, frighten, scare, worry, dismay, rattle, get to, do someone's head in, mess with someone's head, weaken, undermine, damage, impair, harm, hurt, injure, have a bad effect on, reduce, diminish, decrease, lessen
  4. successfully deal with or recover from (an illness, injury, or negative feeling).
    "I couldn't shake the feeling that everyone was laughing at me"

  1. an act of shaking.
    "with a shake of its magnificent antlers the stag charged down the slope"
    synonyms: jiggle, joggle, jerk, waggle, flourish, brandish, wave
  2. a fit of trembling or shivering.
    "I wouldn't go in there, it gives me the shakes"
    synonyms: a fit of trembling, delirium tremens, tremors, the horrors, the DTs, the jitters, the willies, the heebie-jeebies, the jim-jams, the jumps, the yips, Joe Blakes
  3. a milkshake.
    "don't miss the homemade cookies and shakes"
  4. an earth tremor.
    synonyms: earthquake, earth tremor, aftershock, convulsion, quake, tremblor
  5. a trill.

OUR WINTER CLASSIC(S). Cozy-up with three iconically sweet shake flavors: Coffee and Donut, Maple Snickerdoodle, and Frozen Hot Cocoa.
shake, agitate, rock, convulse mean to move up and down or to and fro with some violence. shake often carries a further implication of a particular purpose.
3 days ago · verb (used without object) · to move or sway with short, quick, irregular vibratory movements. · to tremble with emotion, cold, etc. · to become ...